Sunday, May 11, 2008

If Strong Bad says it's cool, it's cool.

Homestar Runner is a flash animation that has grown popular not due to it's amazing graphics and technical finesse but through the development of character and dialogue.

The main characters are created using simple animations and the basic tools found in Flash but have been crafted in such a way that they are still intriguing.

Homestar Runner, the protagonist of the series, is a morose athlete and it is because of that that the character is enjoyable to watch. He has no arms, so his animations are limited to the blinking of his eyes. However, his main attraction is his stupidity and his 'dopey' voice.

Coach Z is constructed in a different manner. He has no mouth and his eyes are nothing but blank circles. His head is his most animated feature, moving when he talks. He also uses simple arm movements.

The Cheat, a cat-like creature squeaks rather than speaks, and a translation of his noises is generally provided. His eyes reflect the emotion his pitch can not.

Strong Bad, the antagonist and perhaps the most popular character on the website, is the most detailed. His head totes and emblem and unlike the others he tends to angle his head. Because of this detail his body is barely animated and the shape of his mouth is always a circle or a square.

Marzipan is the only female character in the group, and this is portrayed solely by her long hair. She is shapeless - resembling a broom more than anything - like Homestar she has no arms and has small facial features. Her head rotates on an axis when she speaks and interacts with things.

Pom Pom is a circular character who makes bubbling noises. To accommodate the fact that he can not talk he generally uses arm movements to portray what he is trying to express.

The creators have said they still use Flash 5, and this is hardly a surprise. Scenes are generally composed of a matte background decorated using the square and circle tools and a couple of characters whose animations tend to loop. But the comic is fleshed out through small details. These details could be trivial objects such as an animated bird sitting in a tree or a character dressing up in a costume. Still, these are generally developed using the most basic of tools, but this is the appeal of Homestar Runner. It is simple, but in it's simplicity is a great deal of detail and well written scenarios.

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